Rabu, 29 September 2010

10 Essential Architectural Movements of the 20th Century


Architecture is one of the most visible forms of art in our day-to-day lives. Many of the buildings that surround us were designed and constructed with an aesthetic purpose, and if they were done right, they immeasurably enhance the location in which they’re situated. The 20th century was an interesting time for architecture as several movements came and went, reflecting the styles, sensibilities and priorities of their eras. Here are 10 essential architectural movements from that time period.

Art Nouveau

Art nouveau architecture is characterized by odd shapes, an abundance of arches and curves, and surfaces that feature curvy floral and plant designs. The style came to prominence during the late 19th and early 20th centuries in European cities, particularly in Paris, where the Maison de l’Art Nouveau gallery operated by Siegfried Bing displayed the art style.

Arts and Crafts

The arts and crafts movement coincided with the art nouveau movement, placing and increased emphasis on conforming to the structure’s surroundings while remaining aesthetically pleasing. One of the pioneers of the movement, William Morris, sought to depart from the overused Victorian architecture and bring forth a style based on the handicrafts movement. Houses during the era contained a more personable feel, as they were constructed as bungalows.

Art Deco

Art deco architecture is a combination of many different preexisting styles, but with a modern twist. These buildings feature materials such as stainless steel and aluminum, and often the sunburst motif, which can be seen on the Chrysler Building in New York – one of the most well-known art deco structures in the world. It was constructed between the two World Wars, when the style was at its peak in popularity.


Unlike other architectural movements during the early 20th century, the futurist movement attempted to ignore past styles and devote itself to creating something entirely new. Antonio Sant’Elia was a major proponent of futurist architecture, writing the Manifesto of Futurist Architecture in 1914, which states the need to use only new technology and materials in the construction of these structures. During the ’50s, Googie Architecture notably emerged as a type of futurism.



Modern architecture is simple and unornamental, differing from other movements in order to adapt to social and political changes. The German school for design, Bauhaus, is credited with influencing the modern movement. Founder Walter Gropius designed the Bauhaus building, which serves as an early example of the style. Modernist architecture became most popular after World War II and continues to be an often used style in major cities today.

International Style

International style is an offshoot of modernist architecture, but with a slightly different approach stylistically. A book authored by Philip Johnson and Henry-Russell Hitchcock gave birth to the term, laying out three principles. The style became common in the developed world after World War II, featuring a square appearance as priority is given to the efficient use of space.


Expressionist architecture is perhaps the most eye-catching style popularized during the 20th century. It’s characterized by a rejection of conventionalism for creativity, which is evident in its odd and inconsistent shapes and naturalistic themes. The final product is a reflection of the inner feelings of the designer, hence the use of the term “expressionism.”


Concrete was heavily used in the formation of buildings during the mid-to-late 20th century in England, when communities needed cost-effective ways to rebuild after World War II. Brutalist buildings can be identified by their consistently blocky appearances, which many find aesthetically displeasing and downright ugly. Notably, Prince Charles has publically criticized the presence of the buildings in England.


Postmodern architecture contrasts from modernism in that it requires creativity and ornamentation. The movement gained steam in the ’60s and ’70s as architects attempted to combine past styles while straying away from an overemphasis on functionalism. Appearance became a priority, as evidenced by the construction of Houston’s Bank of America Center and Kuala Lumpur’s Petronas Towers in the latter years of the 20th century.

New Urbanism

New Urbanism is the recent answer to urban sprawl. The goal is to facilitate a true sense of community within American cities by enabling foot traffic, increasing affordable housing, and practicing historic preservation and sustainability. An emphasis is placed on visual coherence in the construction of neighborhoods, incorporating a mostly historical architectural styles adapted to the setting.


10 Essential Architects of the Twentieth Century


Architects are specialists that need to be highly skilled and talented in design and planning and render services in connection with the design and construction of buildings. Architecture varies greatly depending on the taste and style of the architect, and has generally evolved over the years. The following architects had their impact on architecture in the 20th century:

1. Frank Lloyd Wright

Frank Lloyd Wright was an American architect and interior designer who designed more than 1,00 projects in his lifetime. Wright’s architecture work includes office buildings, schools, hotels, churches, and museums. Wright’s most popular and recognized work is probably the Solomon Guggenheim Museum in New York City, which is located on the city’s popular Fifth Avenue. Wright died in April of 1959, and was acknowledged in 1991 by the American Institute of Architects as being the greatest American architect of all time.

2. Frank Owen Gehry

Frank Owen Gehry is a Candian-American architect based in California. Gehry’s works include homes, offices, buildings and museums, which have become tourists attractions because of their distinct shapes and appearances. Gehry was awarded the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 1989. A few of Gehry’s most well known works include the Guggenheim Museum in Spain, the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles, the Dancing House Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto, and the Weisman Art Museum in Minneapolis.

3-4. Charles and Ray Eames

Having a major contribution to modern architecture, couple Charles and Ray Eames were American born architects. Together they are well known for their works such as The Mathematica Exhibition, the Eames House and several other houses and churches. The Eames duo achieved international success also as designers of rugs, toys, stage and movie sets as well. The pair also won several awards and medals for their works in architecture and worked in modern furniture designs, which are also well known.

5. Kevin Roche

An Irish-American architect famous for his creativity with glass structures, Kevin Roche has been the recipient of many awards and prizes for his works. Roche, whose works can be seen in the US, France, Singapore, Ireland, and Spain has been the architect behind several museums, corporate headquarters, theaters, and universities. Some of Roche’s most notable works include the Ford Foundation Building and U. N. Plaza in New York, the Bank of America Plaza in Atlanta, and the Convention Centre Dublin in Ireland.

6. Le Corbusier

A Swiss architect, designer, and painter, Le Corbusier is famous for being one of the pioneers of modern architecture. Le Corbusier has major buildings and projects in Switzerland, France, Germany, and India, amongst many others. Of the many structures such as museums, homes, and churches Le Corbusier created, some of his best works included the Villa Savoye and The Notre Dame du Haut in France, and the Open Hand Monument in India.

7. Paolo Soleri

Paolo Soleri is an Italian-American architect who has won several awards and lifetime achievements and is known for his ecology based projects. Soleri has had his work exhibited in various forms worldwide and is well known for Cosanti, his residence and a gallery located in Arizona, which includes an “Earth House”, student dorms, studios, a swimming pool, and his residence.

8. Luis Barragan

Considered the most influential architect in Mexico, Luis Barragan was a self-trained architect. Barragan’s work, mostly done in Mexico, was influenced by European modernism of his time. Barragan was honored with prizes such as the Pritzker Prize in 1980. The home he built for himself in 1948, now a museum, was listed a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2004.

9. Kenzo Tange

Known for combining modernism with traditional Japanese architecture, Japanese architect Kenzo Tange designed significant structures on 5 continents. Tange, who had numerous awards, medals and praises for his work, is well known for his many designs including, St. Mary’s Cathedral in Tokyo, the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, and the Tokyo Olympic Arenas.

10. Alvaro Siza

Alvaro Siza is a Portugese architect, whom has won many awards and prizes over his lifetime for his work and is one of the best known Portugese architects of the 20th century. One of Siza’s most famous designs is the Faculty of Architecture Building of the University of Porto. Siza’s contemporary designs can be seen in restaurants, pools, schools, buildings, and houses he has designed over the years.

Jumat, 17 September 2010


Arsitektur tumbuh dan berkembang sesuai dengan perkembangan budaya manusia. Fokus-fokus pandangan manusia tentang dunia banyak memberikan sumbangan pada bentuk dan orientasi pandangan-pandangan arsitektur. Pada masyarakat yang pandangan hidupnya berfokus pada kosmos, misalnya, wujud bangunan banyak ditentukan oleh mitos-mitos yang berkembang di masyarakatnya. Pada masyarakat yang fokus pada ketuhanan (teosentris), banyak dibuat bangunan-bangunan peribadatan dengan skala megah dan monumentalis. Sementara pada masyarakat yang fokus pandangannya pada manusia (antroposentris), yang banyak dibuat adalah bangunan-bangunan publik seperti plaza, taman, serta tempat pertunjukan atau arena.

Meskipun telah banyak bangunan yang mengagumkan dibangun berabad-abad sebelum Masehi, profesi arsitek sebenarnya baru berkembang pada masa Renaissance di Italia sekitar abad ke-14. Sebelum masa itu, karya-karya arsitektur lebih banyak didisain secara kolektif, ditentukan oleh otoritas penguasa, atau direncanakan oleh pemuka-pemuka agama sesuai dengan tuntutan-tuntutan kepercayaan yang dianut. Pada awal Renaisans di Italia, berkembang sistem patronage dalam seni. Para bangsawan dan orang kaya menjadi sponsor bagi para seniman. Hal ini juga terjadi dalam bidang arsitektur. Bangsawan dan orang kaya yang ingin mendirikan bangunan-bangunan yang indah mencari tenaga ahli yang dapat mengepalai banyak tukang. Tenaga-tenaga ahli ini muncul dari kalangan perajin, perupa, dan pelukis. Karena pekerjaan pembangunan dapat dipercayakan kepada tukang-tukang yang handal, maka para tenaga ahli ini dapat berkonsentrasi pada tugas intelektual untuk membuat disain. Di sinilah arsitek muncul sebagai sebuah profesi.

Pada awal perkembangannya, arsitek menjadi profesi yang otonom. Dengan adanya anggapan bahwa para arsitek mempunyai kemampuan khusus yang tidak dipunyai oleh anggota masyarakat lainnya, arsitek kemudian menduduki tempat khusus dalam komunitas manusia (masyarakat). Arsitek diibaratkan sebagai pendeta yang tidak hanya dengan ketrampilan dan keahliannya saja tapi juga dengan arif kebijaksanaannya menurunkan rahmat dan dharmanya dalam mengubah tata ruang, baik bagi perorangan maupun masyarakat. Otonomi profesi arsitek ini kemudian mencapai puncaknya pada era Master Builders pada periode perkembangan Arsitektur Modern di tahun 1920-1960an. Seorang arsitek menjadi satu-satunya pengambil keputusan yang setiap kata dan pemikirannya dituruti, seolah-olah tak terbantahkan bahkan oleh kliennya sendiri. Arsitek memegang kendali mulai dari tahap perencanaan, desain, hingga pembangunan. Pada masa itu, munculah nama-nama tokoh arsitek yang terkenal dengan karya-karya prestisius. Sebuah karya arsitektur seakan menjadi identik dengan nama sang arsitek.

Arsitek-arsitek pada era master builders selain mampu menghasilkan karya-karya arsitektur yang mengagumkan juga mampu melahirkan teori-teori yang menjadi panutan dalam dunia arsitektur. Louis Sullivan, misalnya, seolah-olah identik dengan pernyataannya: “Form Follows Function”, bentuk harus mengikuti fungsi. Mies Van der Rohe mengembangkan konsep Ultimate Simplicity dengan slogannya Less is More, Adof Loos bahkan membuat pernyataan yang lebih ekstrim bahwa membuat ornamen pada suatu bangunan adalah tindakan kriminal : “Ornament Is A Crime”!. Salah satu tokoh yang paling berpengaruh pada era Master Builders adalah Le Corbusier, seorang arsitek Swiss-Perancis. Selain karya-karyanya yang unik seperti Notre-Dame-du-Haut di Ronchamp, France, Le Corbusier juga terkenal dengan pernyataan-pernyataannya tentang arsitektur. Salah satunya yang terkenal adalah konsepnya tentang rumah yang ideal. Menurutnya “sebuah rumah adalah sebuah mesin untuk hidup”. Berkat kontribusinya yang besar di bidang arsitektur, Le Cobusier kerap dianggap sebagai bapak arsitektur modern.

Seiring dengan berkembangnya kebudayaan manusia, tuntutan kehidupan manusia menjadi lebih kompleks. Hal ini juga merambah kedalam bidang arsitektur. Tuntutan kualitas dan kuantitas suatu lingkungan binaan menjadi lebih kompleks. Pengaruh adanya revolusi industri mendorong ditemukannya hal-hal baru dalam dunia arsitektur. Penemuan material-material baru, teknik konstruksi yang baru, peningkatan daya kritik masyarakat atau pengguna bangunan yang semakin tajam, semakin banyaknya proyek dengan skala geografis yang semakin besar membuat faktor kemajemukan budaya menjadi hal yang harus dipikirkan dan menjadikan arsitektur masalah yang lebih luas dari sekadar permasalahan tata ruang.

Hal di atas menjadikan permasalahan arsitektur semakin rumit. Pada akhirnya seorang arsitek tidak mampu mengatasi tuntutan-tuntutan ini seorang diri. Dalam proyek-proyek berskala besar dan kompleks dituntut adanya campur tangan tenaga-tenaga ahli dari bidang ilmu lain untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan desainnya. Dewasa ini dapat dikatakan bahwa arsitek ‘mengetahui banyak, namun mengerti sedikit’. Arsitek mengetahui banyak hal mulai dari mekanikal, elektrikal, drainase, struktur, ekonomi bangunan, hingga ke psikologi, sosial, budaya, dll. Namun tidak semua dipahaminya secara mendalam. Dalam proyek-proyek besar dan kompleks, pengetahuan yang tidak mendalam ini tidak cukup untuk memberikan kualitas desain yang baik.

Masa keemasan arsitek sebagai master builder, seorang yang berperan penuh dalam pekerjaan pembangunan mulai dari gagasan, konsep, perancangan hingga tahap konstruksi kini telah lewat dan sudah berubah. Arsitek pada masa kini dapat dikatakan hanya merupakan bagian dari sebuah proses pembangunan. Peran arsitek dewasa ini lebih banyak sebagai leader atau koordinator pembangunan, dia membutuhkan dan harus bekerja sama dengan ahli konstruksi, ahli mekanikal elektrikal, estimator, penata cahaya, penata akustik, dll. Karya arsitektur pada akhirnya merupakan karya multi disiplin, bukan semata-mata karya individu sang arsitek.

Yang menjadi pertanyaan sekarang ialah apakah pergeseran peran arsitek yang sekarang bukan lagi sebagai master builder merupakan hal yang negatif ( dalam arti arsitek mengalami penurunan kualitas )? Ataukah keterlibatan berbagai disiplin ilmu lain dalam proses pembangunan merupakan suatu kemenangan dalam menjawab tuntutan kuantitas dan kualitas desain arsitektur?

(dari berbagai sumber)

Jumat, 03 September 2010

Architecture and The Object of Architecture

We usually hear about architecture, and moreover architecture word has been using by other disciplines and knowledges since long time ago. However, are we understand about architecture itself? How understand do we have about the architecture? Then, how about the object of architecture? Is Eiffel Tower an object of architecture? Are Golden Gate Bridge and Liberty Statue in United States an object of architecture? Stack of many huge stones in England that we called Stonehenge, is it an object of architecture? Certainly, these questions are not easy to be answered. Architecture has wide meaning, by the result of that, architects as well as common people have many perspectives about definition of architecture.

Buildings, structures, sculptures, roads, parks, built environment are too wide, that is make architecture could be interpreted as everything. There must be some words that could define architecture specifically. It is not easy to define architecture because of its complexities. According to a dictionary, architecture means art and discipline to build a buildings. According to Greece, Archi = head, and techton = craftsman, then architecture is a work of craftsman’s head. According to O’Gorman in ABC of Architecture, architecture is more than a shelter. Architecture can be an art which have different, there is architecture uses art as something important to be used as interior. According to Corbusier, architecture is the masterly, correct and magnificient play of masses seen in light. Architecture with a capital A was an emotional and aesthetic experience. According to prof. Van Romondt, architecture is a space that human being live in happiness. There are many books as well as opinions that define about architecture, this make architecture has wide and various definitions. Yet, from those definitions, architecture must have a formula of words that could define the meaning of architecture more specific.

Bamboo, either in tree shape or in cut shape, still we can recognize it as bamboo. After human being “touched” it and made it into something that have a certain function then we can say that is bamboo chairs, bamboo desks, etc. Stone also, we can easily recognize stone whatever it shape. And after human being made it into something that we need then we can say that is a stone chair, a stone desk, etc. The explanation indicates that man-made is always accomodates ideas and expression which communicated through form. Architecture is man-made, therefore architecture always accomodates ideas (usage / function ) and express meaning through form as it medium.

Not all of man-made are architecture. Architecture as a man-made could be seen as material object ( physic / non physic, tangible / intangible ); formal object ( descriptive, normative, efficiencive ); and the expression also. Material object of architecture is physic / tangible, that is container of the space for activity. The formal object is efficiencive, that is function / usage / needs / wants. And the expression is an effort to communicate container and function with orderly composition. Thus, the object of architecture has function, usually based on ‘needs’ and also ‘wants’; form which is physical container of the function; and meaning, that is a messege of the form and function.

Therefore, we may conclude that architecture is a human ( with conscious ) effort to create orderly composition of space and physical enclosure which accomodate function as well as express meaning. Of course this explanation is not a standard for architecture definition, but certain kind of method to look at, to think, and to talk about architecture and the object of architecture more specific.